What are Muscle Meats?

What are Muscle Meats?

What are muscle meats, and which meats can I use with Raw Meow Mix?

Raw Meow Mix & Raw Woof Mix are meal completers that provides the organs and bone content you need to add to plain muscle meat for a balanced raw diet. Muscle meat is primarily the muscle tissue of an animal, consisting of approximately 75% water, 20% protein, and 5% fat.

We recommend using at least three different types of muscle meats, more if possible. Here’s why:

First, it adds variety to your cat’s diet, keeping meals interesting and helping to prevent boredom. Second, each protein and cut has a unique nutritional profile, so mixing it up ensures a well-rounded range of nutrients.

Some muscle meats are lean, while others are fatty—both are essential. Don’t shy away from fattier cuts, as cats, especially kittens, require a high level of fat in their diet. Plus, these cuts are often more affordable.

Here is a list of commonly used proteins when preparing meals with Raw Meow or Woof Mix. This isn’t exhaustive but includes widely available options you can easily find, often even at your local supermarket. If you’re curious about a protein not on the list, feel free to reach out or ask in our Facebook group, Australian Raw Fed Cats.

  • Chicken or turkey – Breast, thigh, skin, and leg meat
  • Pork or Goat – Leg and shoulder
  • Lamb – Leg and shoulder; ask your butcher for lamb trim, which is fatty and great for cats
  • Beef – Choose affordable, fattier cuts
  • Kangaroo (Roo) – A lean meat, so be sure to balance it with fattier proteins
  • Duck – A wonderful fatty meat; whole birds are often on sale, so consider deboning them for variety
  • Tongue – Pork, lamb, and beef tongues are high in taurine; limit to 10% of the total diet
  • Heart – Chicken, lamb, pork, and beef hearts are also high in taurine; limit to 10% of the total diet
  • Chicken Gizzard – Often sold as giblets; a chewy meat, ideal for jaw exercise and dental health; limit to 10% of the total diet

By incorporating a range of these proteins, you’ll ensure your cat receives a balanced, nutritious diet that supports their health and well-being.




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